Today our class had our Cyber Smart session with Mrs Grant. We had to make sure that our chrome book was ready to be archived for 2018. The things we had to do were... We had to make sure that all of our files were put into a teacher dashboard folder. As well as make sure none of our posts were drive. The other things we had to do was delete all of our images in files, and try to complete the smart learners challenge. Here is a photo of an before and after of my files.
This blog is a record of my learning from Glen Taylor School in Auckland, New Zealand through to Tamaki College.
Thursday, 30 November 2017
Thursday, 16 November 2017
Film Festival Commenting
This is my poster about my Film Festival Comment. |
Wednesday, 8 November 2017
Film Festival Project
Today will be the day we attend Sylvia Park Hoyts. In my film group we had I (Anika) , Paige, Brooklyn, The actress were Evelyn , Juan, Nadia, Anika (me), As well as Brooklyn. Our film was based on bullying because everywhere we go there is a bully or two. In the film it shows how people can put there differences aside and become one. Here is our film we created.
Thursday, 26 October 2017
Read Theory
For reading we use read theory. Read theory is a site where we have to read a text and answer a few questions. Here is a screenshot of read theory.
Thursday, 19 October 2017
My Online Maths Buddy
This week we have been focusing on Fraction of a Number. On Maths Buddy We had a couple of tasks to do around Fraction of a number. This is what my maths buddy looks like.
Friday, 15 September 2017
Awards for RM12!
Last week on Friday Rm 12 received two awards. The Ready for Learning Award ( Being on Time award) and The Best class Attendance Award. This is our 4th time receiving these awards and our class is happy to have them.
Thursday, 14 September 2017
Three Laps Around Our School!
Yesterday (Wednesday 13 September) we had Cross Country. We had to run 3 laps around our school. Here are some photos from Cross Country.
Wednesday, 13 September 2017
A Surprise Visitor at GTS?
Sunday, 10 September 2017
Commenting On Amy's Blog...
I Commented on Amy's Blog. These are some reasons why I thing My comment is a Quality blog comment.
Saturday, 9 September 2017
Excepting My Mistakes.
Every week we have maths buddy tasks to complete. Maths Buddy is an online site for students to complete maths there teacher sends for them. I personally think that I have learnt a lot from maths Buddy. Here are some of my Questions from Maths Buddy.
Friday, 8 September 2017
Words and More Words...
For writing this week we had a google slide to finish. This google slide was about Synonyms & Antonyms. The slide deck was filled with a lot of really really fun activities. I really enjoyed writing this week :)
Sunday, 3 September 2017
Saturday, 2 September 2017
On Wednesday Afternoons the Seniors (Yr 7 & 8) walk down to Tamaki College to have a whole block of technology. There are three Classes. 1: Cooking Class with Mrs Heka 2: Woodwork / Pewter Casting / Stained Glass with Mr Grundy 3: Graphics with Mr Pineda. Within a Year we would have attend all three of these classes. I enjoy tech because I learn a lot of different facts. I often find work as a challenge but once I understand the work, then the challenge is complete. I find Tech a fun way to end off a Wednesday. 😇
Banoffee Pie - Homework
For Homework This week we had to write down the ingredients for banoffee pie. We also had to write down the price of the ingredients. Our budget was $150. So we also needed to make more pies. How many pies could we make?
Here is what my Homework for Banoffee pie looks like.
Here is what my Homework for Banoffee pie looks like.
Friday, 1 September 2017
Today (Friday 1 September 2k17) was our Assembly. I think that Rm 12 done awesome to have just practised for 2 days. I will post actual photos of the assembly next week but hear are some photos of room 12. Don't forget we won the Being on Time Award this week 2!
Volcano Explanation Writing
For writing we explained Natural Disaster's. Natural disasters are things like Volcano's, Earthquakes, Floods and the other Mother Nature disasters.
Here is a published copy of my Volcano Explanation Writing.
Hope You Like my Google Drawing Poster ;)
Friday, 25 August 2017
Cyber Smart Poster
In my free time I enjoy making posters. I made one saying Cyber Smart, Cyber Safe, Cyber Ready. I chose these 3 things because they seem to all add up. Here is the poster.
Cyber smart,
Google Draw,
Monday, 21 August 2017
PB4L Poster
I enjoy using google drawings so in my free time I wanted to make a PB4L Poster. PB4L stands for Positive Behaviour For Learning. Hope you enjoy my poster!
Sunday, 20 August 2017
One memory of reading last term I remembered was the reading and activities about the book Stolen- Written by Shirley Colette. I remember these particular moments because that book always made me want to read more, and I am not the type to want to read. Here is my plague for one of the characters in the book.
Saturday, 19 August 2017
Reading E-Log
In Room 12 we have a reading E-Log. A reading e log is basically like a reading book online. We use this to put all our reading activities in. Here are some screenshots of what my reading e log looks like.
Friday, 18 August 2017
How To Make Slime
For Homework this week we had to write how to make slime. I made my writing piece on google drawings because I feel like that is the simplest way. Here is a photo of my piece of writing.
Friday, 11 August 2017
This is a week throw back to our first training with Orienteering. First they taught us the basics, like how to read a map and what we do.
Tuesday, 8 August 2017
Thursday, 3 August 2017
Throw Back!
Here is a big throwback from the last day of term 2. On the last day of Term 2 Room 12 were winning a lot of prizes. Here is a photo of us on the last day of Term 2.

Thursday, 27 July 2017
Mid Year Student Led Conference
Today we had our student led conference. We shared our learning and learning results with our family. Here is an image of me sharing my image with my Mum.
Monday, 24 July 2017
Today Our Class had a game of Boggle. I tried my best to make as many words as possible in the time given. I ended up with a total number of 10 words...The letters we had were ENTEHSNI... The words I came up with were... Shine, Hen. Hens, Then, The, Ten, Tens, In, She, Sin.
Wednesday, 12 July 2017
The 2nd to last day of Term 2... On the 2nd to last day we done some activities on our class novel. The activities our teacher chose were superb... The group that finished got to (I won't tell you because you might get jealous. Just kidding!) They got 5000 points for their group not only that but they got the chance to make Tuna Pasta with Miss Siale.. Shout out to Group 1 for winning the challenge!

Tuesday, 11 July 2017
Hey People of the earth... It's me Anika and i'm going to tell you about what I am enjoying in this holiday... WooWoo! Well first of all... Going sleep late after playing on my technology, Then waking up very very late. You see the best thing about the holiday is everything, You get your own time and I won't even have to worry about getting ready for school... #MAKETHEHOLIDAYPERMANENT(LOL)
Thursday, 6 July 2017
Rm 12 BLOG!
Hi people, make sure to also stay active with my class site. That is where you will find whole class activities. Here is a link.
Wednesday, 5 July 2017
On bug's club (reading website) I read a 101 ways to save earth before you go to sleep book. The book had a page where it showed how to make a veggie burger. #Taketheveggieburgerchallenge!

Tuesday, 4 July 2017
Bubble Gum!
Sunday, 2 July 2017
Saturday, 1 July 2017
Positive Message!
I have been making a lot of posters lately and here is one of my favourites. Just stay positive guys!

Friday, 30 June 2017
My Role Model
Why my Mum is my role model
Remember the T.I.I.C structure.
Remember the T.I.I.C structure.
Title - What you will be explaining
Introduction - Tell your audience what the topic is about and what is to be explained.
Information - Explain the elements or steps in a logical sequence
Conclusion - Final summarising statement, an evaluation or comment about what you have explained.
My Role Models
My role model is my Mum. My mum is a role model for me because she shows me the right way to do life. She is a woman of greatness and talent and one day I hope to grow up and be like her.
1st element
My mum works as hard as a busy bee. She works awfully hard just for me and my siblings. She always wakes up early to make sure she is ready before she wakes us up.Just so she can be on to it and help us when we need anything. When she gets paid she always checks if we need anything so she can purchase it. My mum consistently makes me feel welcome and comfortable in my own home. She gave me a cosy bed that gives me the rest I need. She brought our family a television and play station where we get to relax as we enjoy ourselves in the sitting room. She makes me food that I get to eat as I get my energy. I also get a room when my mum could’ve just said “the couch is all yours” but no, she offered to give me a room where I get to do my personal things.
2nd element
My Mum voluntarily works extra hours for free. She stays at work and works with no anger but love. She displays that we need to show integrity no matter what we do or where we are. We appreciate her love kindness and integrity because she has given us so many chances. No matter what she provides clothing for my siblings and I. Even if we have plenty of clothing she provides us with more than we need. She also does a lot of washing and takes our grubby clothes and does at least a load of washing each day.She also takes it to dry just so our washing can be as clean as pie. My mum repeatedly feeds me and helps to keep me healthy. She non-stop askes me if she is hungry and always makes sure I am clean.
Information 3rd element
My mum repeatedly feeds me and helps to keep me healthy. She non-stop asks me if I am hungry and always makes sure I am clean. She always makes sure there is dinner, lunches and snacks for my siblings and I so that when we’re at home we don’t starve. She ensures that at school we are fed. When I am sick my Mum always takes me to the doctor and makes sure I am healthy. She always is up to date with my injections and makes sure that she is by my side the entire time.
These are the reasons why my mum is my role model. My mum is the person who raised me and built me to be who I am today. She is my role model because she is independent, hard working and strong. She is my light when all I can see is darkness. She is my Saviour when I need her.
Thursday, 29 June 2017
I Am Anika
I AM Anika
I am a seed growing with talent.
I wonder why some people don’t appreciate others.
I see hurt kids looking for the light.
I want to see happiness and peace everywhere.
I hear the hurting comments in my damaged mind.
I am a seed growing with talent.
I pretend to walk on the water like a savage.
I feel the emptiness in my heart hoping for it to be filled up.
I touch the blanket and start to dream.
I worry about the past more than the future.
I cry when I'm down or feeling worthless.
I am a seed growing with talent.
I understand what people do for their families but it's confusing.
I say friends aren’t forever but hopefully family is.
I dream of my future being successful and my talents to be appreciated.
I try to unsee the past but it’s hard.
I hope my family will always accept me for me and only me.
I am a seed growing with talent.
Thursday, 22 June 2017
Reading Poster
In Term 1 I was still learning how to make google drawings. I made this in term 1 and I now know to make better posters made by myself.
![]() |
Thursday, 15 June 2017
Kawa Of Care
On Tuesday night we had a Whanau Hui where our parents/caregivers came into see a slide to learn how to be smart learners. Here is the slide we presented.
Monday, 12 June 2017
My Top Tip
For Kawa of care we needed to create a google drawing with one of the keyboard shortcuts. I chose to do CTRL W because I often use that to close my tabs.

My Profile
Miss Siale. I have an older sister and brother. I'm good at Art and Reading. I enjoy napping, skipping and doing Art and I also like hanging with my friends. My challenges are staying focused and to touch type with passion.
My goals for this year is to challenge myself in all learning areas. For example when I can’t do things I need to try my best.
This year I am looking forward to the challenges coming. Also I can’t wait for camp. People that inspire me are my family and my teacher, they inspire to use my abilities to the best they can be used to. They help me to learn and make new challenges for me everyday.
Friday, 24 March 2017
New Blogger
I am a blogger at Glen Taylor School.
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