This blog is a record of my learning from Glen Taylor School in Auckland, New Zealand through to Tamaki College.
Thursday, 6 December 2018
Team Taapas Act Of Kindness
Today the team taapas (Tiana, Anika, Anghela, Mrs Faalili , Anitimoni & Steven) attended Glen Brae School to complete our act of kindness/service. We baked a bunch of goods, And wrapped them up in cellophane. We added ribbon & words of affirmation. Here are some photos.

Friday, 16 November 2018
Wednesday, 7 November 2018
Film Festival 2018
Expectations Vs Reality
Film Group - Anika (me) , Danielle, Hela, Tracey Lee, Anitimoni.We are the Fantastic Fish Fingers.Our film is about what kids expect getting ready for school and school is going to be like, but some of the realities some kids face.The thing I mostly enjoyed about our film was getting to see the finished product at the end and see our progress.
I hope you enjoy our film :)
Friday, 2 November 2018
Tuesday's Water Cycle Writing
Today for writing Room 13 had to write explanations that explained the process of the water cycle. Here is my Water Cycle Writing.
Water Cycle Writing
Plan :
The water cycle. The water cycle is the process of how rain is formed.
Evaporation. Evaporation means the process of turning liquid into vapour. To get rain , it has to rain. After it rains puddles are still around. The suns shine on the puddle and the water starts to change into a gas called water vapour.
Condensation. Condensation means “the conversation of a vapour or gas to liquid”. The water vapour rises up to the sky and it keeps rising higher and higher away from the surface due to the increase in temperature of the gas. When it's by the sky the water vapour cools down and changes into little water droplets and clouds start to form. Inside the clouds the little droplets bang together and become even bigger.
Precipitation means the action or process of precipitating a substance from a solution.. As the droplets grow and get heavier to the point where the cloud cant hold them anymore, The cloud releases the droplets as rain. Every raindrop that reaches the ground is made of at least 1 million of the original droplets. Then when the sun shines on the rain the process begins again.
This is how the water cycle works and repeats.
Monday, 29 October 2018
Monday's Reading (Dogo News)
Today we had to do Reading on Dogo News. Dogo news is a site with worldwide articles and activities with it. I read the article called "It's almost National Donut Day! " Here is the work I had to do about that Article . :) Press here to see the real version of my work :)
Wednesday, 17 October 2018
Tech - Logo Maker!
Today at Graphics our task was to make logo's. Here is a logo I and Paige ( made. The moral of our logo was to try and inspire people to never give up and to keep going, even if it may seem hard! So here it is :)
Monday, 10 September 2018
Maritime Museum
Last week GTS senior syndicate attended a trip at the maritime museum. At the maritime museum we basically learnt about boats and life on the sea. We looked at places that would have been on boats maybe now and back then. We then went on a ferry ride and looked at some of the places around the city, that was probably the highlight of the trip for me, because it was really relaxing to go on the boat. As well as riding under the harbor bridge, It was also really satisfying watching the waves crash. Here are some photos of me and my group on the trip.
Me, Lexiannah, & Brooklyn exploring the things in this small kitchen. (The pan was actually heavy as possible) |
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One of the samoan wheels in there boat used to drive the boat from the 19s. |
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One of the boats we had to find. |
Monday, 3 September 2018
Procedural Writing :)
Today for writing we were looking at Procedural writing. In those writing we had to identify some of the imperative verbs. Here is my poster of imperative verbs.
Ki O Rahi
Friday, 31 August 2018
Life Education Van At Gts :) !
For the last 2 weeks, The Life education van was at GTS. We learnt about food & how our body works. We also learnt about how much we need rest. I really enjoyed going into the van :)))))
Wednesday, 8 August 2018
Learn Create Share
This Term For Learn, Create, Share, we have been looking at Healthy Choices. Here is a study Me & Lexiannah have completed about the Food Pyramid.
Monday, 6 August 2018
ARBS - 06.08.18
Today for reading my group Wendt had to do ARBS, ARBS is one of the learning sites we use . When I went on ARBS I chose a story and had to read the text and complete the answers. Here is my work from ARBS.
Estimating how much sugar we thought were in different types of Drinks
Last week on Friday, Room 13 split up into separate groups. We were given 8 different types of drinks such as , V energy drink, Juices, Soft drinks + . We had to estimate how much sugar we thought were in each drink. We also had to write what we think about these drinks, healthy or not, As well as what does that mean for us, If we drink it regularly. Here is what my groups work looked like.
Tuesday, 31 July 2018
TV Commercials
Today for writing we looked at how people make scripts, for commercials, The activity we had to do was watch four commercials. We then had to identify 5 things in the video's. Here is the link to look at my work.
Monday, 30 July 2018
Quickwrite - 30.7.18
Today Room 13 started doing Quick write . Today will be the first and last day we do it during class time. Tomorrow On wards we need to make sure that we get here before the bell and complete our quick write. Here is my quick write for today.
Thursday, 26 July 2018
Student Led Conference
Last Night, Glen Taylor School held there mid year student led conference. (Also known as , parent interviews, Or 3 way interviews.) What I had to do last night was come to school with a parent, and show them where my learning levels are, and how I have or have not improved. Then I had to show her some of my learning, and just get her up to date with my school work. Here is a photo of me showing my Mother my learning.
Tuesday, 26 June 2018
Creating T-shirts
Matariki. Matariki is coming up, And it is time we started learning about it. Matariki is the Maori New Year. We had video's and stories that we needed to read or listen to. Then we needed to complete 4 task cards. One of my task cards was to do with making a T-shirt for the main character Rangi. Here is the shirt I made.
Tuesday, 19 June 2018
Math With Mr Tafea
Yesterday, We had a reliever in our class. One of the things we learnt about was fractions, and simplifying them. Firstly he said the simplest fraction could be 1/2. So he wrote up 1/2 + 1/3 = ....
We had to figure it out. I realised if you times the denominators , which would be 2 x 3 = 6, you have a new denominator. /6. Then I thought , and how many sixths make up 1/2 . That would be 3/6. Then I thought again, How much is 1/3 in sixths , that is 2/6 . So then I added 2/6 + 3/6 = 5/6. And that is how I worked out my answer.
We had to figure it out. I realised if you times the denominators , which would be 2 x 3 = 6, you have a new denominator. /6. Then I thought , and how many sixths make up 1/2 . That would be 3/6. Then I thought again, How much is 1/3 in sixths , that is 2/6 . So then I added 2/6 + 3/6 = 5/6. And that is how I worked out my answer.
Thursday, 7 June 2018
Being on Time :)
Last week on Friday, during assembly, Mr Herlihy announced the being on time award, for the week as well as the Attendance Award. Luckily last week we got to take on the Being On Time award. We were happy because it wasn't expected.
Friday, 1 June 2018
Poetry Workshop Part 2
Last week Thursday , I went to my last session in the poetry workshop. First thing we had to do was write 3 adjectives and 3 verbs about ourselves. Next step was to write a poem using the 6 words we listed. Here is my work from part 2 poetry workshop lesson.
I am Anika!
A Learner,
I am a thoughtful thinker who thinks,
I am a silent sleeper who sleeps,
I enjoy eating wicked wings when I can,
I luckily learn what I can everyday,
I am a successful Samoan living her life,
I am a heart-warming happy chappy smiling.
Thursday, 31 May 2018
Poetry Workshop
Two weeks ago on Thursday, A bunch of students went to a poetry workshop in the break out room. We learnt about different poems and language we could use. Here is one of my poems I wrote about my church.
Our Church Ways 🙏💕
💕🙏 I see my Pastor as I walk through my church doors,
I see smiles as we sing our church songs,
I see my family as I quietly take a seat,
I see the little children coloring crazily on their study, Activity books,
I see the ladies & men holding little baskets for the offerings,
I see the bibles in people’s helpful hand’s as I scan my enormous eyes around,
I see my shoes as I tilt my head down a bit to pray,
I see new friendly families being welcomed to a seat,
I see Ngola & her niece trying to get Ngola’s naughty nephew asleep,
I see everyone leaving because church is officially over. 🙏💕
Thursday, 24 May 2018
Kahoot !
On Tuesday in Room 13 we did a little kahoot. A kahoot is like a quiz with lots of questions. The kahoot we did was about math.
Thursday, 17 May 2018
Honour Your Writing As If it is GOLD!
In room 13 we wrote writings about Anzac. We learnt that we should read our writing with passion, As well as we should honor it as it is GOLD! Here is my writing. The Gold Back round represents the fact that our writing is GOLD.
Friday, 11 May 2018
This week for Homework we got given a ANZAC work sheet as well as we have to read a book every night for 10 minutes +. The book I've been taking Home is the Toi Toi book 8. Here are some photos of what my homework looks like.
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The book I'm reading. |
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It is a bit blurry but it has the definition of Commemorate , Soldier, War, Remember and Bravery. |
Thursday, 10 May 2018
Yesterday (Wednesday 9 May) the Year 7 & 8 students walked down to Tamaki College. When we get there we all split up into our tech classes. This term I am in Metal Work with Mr Grundy. In our class we are making pendants . In the beginning we had to start off with doing our workbook. Now when we finish our pendants we will have to finish our workbook. This is a silhouette of what I am trying to make.
Friday, 4 May 2018
Room 13 has the less late people this week :)
This week, During Assembly Room 13 got announced that they had the less late students, We were very happy because we were not expecting it. Here is the award...
Monday, 9 April 2018
This Friday will be the last day of school. Our school will have a Fun Day. What I predict will happen on Friday Fun Day is ... I think we will play games in groups. I think there will be water games and water slides included. Glen Taylor School has had a Fun Day before, It was combined with our athletics day last year. We also had a fund day 2 years ago and it was all about having FUN. We will also be in our House Colors.
Culture Festival !!
Thursday 29 march , Glen Taylor School had there Culture Festival. The groups that performed were New Entrants Class, Maori group, Hawaiian Group, Fijian Group, Cook Island Group, Zumba Group, Tongan Group, Samoan Group, And Glen Taylor's very own Pasifika Pearls. There were all sorts of store's we could go to , to buy food. (E.g Cake Stall, Supa Plates, Sausage Sizzle and more) At the end of the day, The whole school performed a Sasa.
Thursday, 5 April 2018
Duffy Assembly
Today at 9:30 am we had a school assembly. But no, it wasn't an ordinary assembly, It was a Duffy assembly. We had a guest speaker come and speak to our school , about how we need a can do attitude through out life. (Simplified can do. For example can do attitude is like believing you can do anything, And ignoring the word "Can't") Each class got a box of Duffy Book's. Each student received two books which they chose earlier in the term. Here are the two books I received.
Tuesday, 13 March 2018
ASB Task
The name of the bird is Kotuku, Kotuku is a royal bird, I didn't know this information before today.
Lord Rutherford is the man on the $100 dollar note .
Monday, 12 March 2018
The Toi Toi Book
I am in the reading group Korowai. My group goes to Mrs Wrack every Monday & Friday. We received a book named Toi Toi. Toi Toi is a journal for young writers and artists. This book is written by students our age. It is filled with language we use. One of the stories I enjoyed was Roasting Marshmallow's because as I read all the describing words I viewed the setting in my head. I also enjoyed the poem Cross Country because It wasn't to long, yet it was filled with a heap of detail. I really would recommend this book to students in Intermediate and Primary.
Tuesday, 6 March 2018
This is me !
Talofa, My name is Anika and I am a year 8 student of Glen Taylor School. I have been attending this school ever since I was 5. My favorite subject is Inquiry, because it is when I feel like I can express my talents most. My teachers for 2018 are Mrs Fa'alili and Whaea Pene and I am excited to learn from them both. My goal this year to to prioritize and put school first. I am excited for Technology this year to see what else they have for offer, and what new things I can create, share and learn.
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